Corel Draw

Coreldraw sendiri dapat didefinisikan sebagai software pengolah Vektor berupa garis dan bidang yang diolah berdasarkan pengaturan-pengaturan angka-angka vektor.

Pelatihan CorelDraw ini didesain untuk memberikan panduan dasar dalam belajar komputer desain bagi para peserta. Peserta akan diajak mengenal dan memahami apa saja yang terdapat dalam software Corel Draw.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu untuk : 
  1. Memahami tahapan dan teknik penggunaan perangkat lunak pembuat grafik (Corel Draw)
  2. Mengetahui dan memahami menu ikon yang terdapat dalam perangkat lunak pembuat grafis (Corel Draw)
  3. Memahami idenrifikasi menu ikon yang terdapat dalam perangkat lunak pembuat grafis (Corel Draw)
  4. Mengetahui dan memahami Fungsi Snap To (melekatkan objek pada objek lain) yang terdapat dalam (Corel Draw)
  1. Getting Started
    • The Welcome screen
    • New and enhanced features in CorelDRAW X4
    • Opening files and touring the new user interface
    • Vector vs. bitmap images
    • Creating new files
    • Saving your work
  2. Bekerja dengan objek Dasar 2D / Shape
    • Pengaturan warna objek /Properties
    • Converting outline to curves/object
    • Objek Transformation: scale, rotate, group, order, duplicate, etc
    • Shaping tools:, weld, trim, intersect, simplify, front minus back, etc
    • Line tools: Polyline tool, Dimension tool, crop tool, pen tool, artistic media tool, freehand tool, etc.
  3. Bekerja dengan Efek: Extrude, Envelope, Contour, Blend, Transparency, Drop Shadow, Power clip, Roll over, etc.
  4. Working with Pages
    • Creating multi-page projects
    • Modifying page layout
    • Using guidelines and snap-to options
  5. Creating Objects
    • Drawing basic shapes
    • Drawing more advanced shapes
    • Using the Perfect Shapes collection
    • Drawing lines and curves
    • Node editing with the Shape tool
    • Working with tables
  6. Working with Objects
    • Selecting and deleting objects
    • Moving and sizing objects
    • Rotating and skewing objects
    • Arranging objects
    • Grouping and ungrouping multiple objects
    • Converting objects
    • Locking objects
    • Cutting and copying objects
    • Duplicating and cloning objects
    • Using the Step and Repeat docker
    • Using Undo, Redo, and Repeat
    • Creating and using symbols
  7. Working with Text
    • Creating artistic text
    • Fitting text to a path
    • Formatting characters and live text
    • Creating paragraph text
    • Formatting paragraph text
    • Linking paragraph text frames
    • Working with columns
    • Working with bullets
    • Integration with WhatTheFont
    • Checking spelling and using QuickCorrect
  8. Working with Color Outlines and Fills
    • Using color palettes
    • Filling objects with color
    • Coloring object outlines
    • Using the Eyedropper and Paint Bucket tools
    • Using the SmartFill tool
  9. Working with Layers
    • Creating layers
    • Layer properties
    • Using a Master layer
  10. Viewing Your Work
    • Exploring view modes
    • Exploring preview modes
    • Using the View Manager
    • Finding and replacing text and objects
  11. Working with Bitmap Images
    • Applying bitmap effects
    • The Image Adjustment Lab
    • Cropping bitmap images
    • Straightening images
    • Converting vector objects to bitmap
  12. Shaping Objects
    • Using the shaping tools
    • PowerClipping objects inside one another
    • Adding envelopes
    • Working with corners
  13. Using Interactive Tools
    • Filling objects with the Fill tool
    • Blending objects with the Blend tool
    • Adding contour with the Contour tool
    • Creating distortion with the Distortion tool
    • Adding shadows with the Drop Shadow tool
    • Extruding objects with the Extrude tool
    • Applying transparency with the Transparency tool
    • Mirroring artistic and paragraph text
  14. More Object Effects
    • Adding and changing perspective
    • Using the Lens effect
    • Adding bevels
  15. Importing, Exporting, and Publishing
    • Importing other file types
    • Exporting to other file types
    • Publishing files to PDF
  16. Customizing the User Interface
    • Customizing your workspace
    • Customizing your menus and toolbars
    • Customizing your color palettes
  17. Printing Your Work
    • Using Print Preview
    • Printing your work
  18. Studi kasus dan diskusi
Tahun 2020
  • April 7-9 | 14-16 | 21-23 | 28-30
  • Mei 4-6 | 12-14 | 18-20
  • Juni 2-4 | 9-11 | 16-18 | 23-25 | 30-2 Juli
  • Juli 7-9 | 14-16 | 21-23 | 28-30
  • Agustus 4-6 | 11-13 | 18-19 | 25-27
  • September 1-3 | 8-10 | 15-17 | 22-24 | 29-1 Oktober
  • Oktober 6-8 | 13-15 | 20-22 | 26-28
  • November 3-5 | 10-12 | 17-19 | 24-26
  • Desember 1-3 | 8-10 | 15-17 | 22-24 | 29-31


  • Yogyakarta / Cavinton Hotel | Rp. 5.250.000/peserta
  • Semarang / Ibis Simpang Lima Hotel | Rp. 6.300.000/peserta
  • Malang / Ibis Malang Hotel | Rp. 6.300.000/peserta
  • Solo / Ibis Solo Hotel | Rp. 6.300.000/peserta
  • Jakarta / Ibis Kemayoran Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
  • Surabaya / Santika Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
  • Bandung / Serella Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
  • Bali / Santika Hotel | Rp. 9.000.000/peserta
  • Batam / Nagoya Plaza Hotel | Rp. 9.000.000/peserta
  • Balikpapan / Ibis Hotel | Rp. 9.000.000/peserta

(biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan)

Catatan :

  1. Apabila mendaftarkan peserta dalam minimal jumlah kuota dengan judul dan jadwal yang sama (Jogja, Jakarta dan Bandung : Minimal 2 peserta | Semarang, Solo, Bali, Batam, Surabaya dan Malang : Minimal 3 Peserta), maka peserta / instansi terkait dapat me-request tanggal dan lokasi pelatihan sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan.
  2. Diskon khusus bagi pengiriman dengan jumlah 3 peserta / lebih
  3. Biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan
  4. Biaya belum termasuk PPN 10 % (jika dikenakan*)
  5. Peserta dapat melakukan request materi sesuai dengan kebutuhan


  1. Sertifikat Pelatihan (Certificate)
  2. Expert Instructure
  3. Meeting Room Hotel dengan Lunch dan 2 kali Coffe Break
  4. Training kits dan Backpacks
  5. Modul Pelatihan Hard dan Softcopy
  6. USB Flashdisk
  7. Foto Group
  8. Souvenir
  9. Drop dan Pick Up selama pelatihan


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi dan Tanya Jawab
  • Studi kasus
  • Brainstorming
  • Praktek