ISO / IEC 9000 : 2008 Quality Management System


  • 08 Jul 2021-09 Jul 2021
  • 05 Agust 2021-06 Agust 2021
  • 22 Sep 2021-23 Sep 2021
  • 07 Okt 2021-08 Okt 2021
  • 04 Nop 2021-05 Nop 2021
  • 02 Des 2021-03 Des 2021

VENUE :   Jakarta( Hotel  Ibis Arcadia/Hotel Harris Tebet/Hotel  Oak Tree/Setiabudi Building 2)



  • Understand quality management definitions, concepts, and guidelines
  • Understand the purpose of the ISO 9000 series
  • Understand the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard
  • Understand the eight Quality Management Principles
  • Understand the process approach

Day 1: Introduction to ISO 9000 standard
•    An overview of Quality Management System
•    Plan-Do-Check-Act framework
•    Basic elements of ISO 9000 standard
•    ISO 9000 series
•    ISO 9000 and its correlation to other ISO family

Day 2: Preparation and implementation ISO 9000 standard
•    Quality system and continuous improvement
•    Gap analysis method
•    ISO 9000 best practice and requirements
•    Planning and implementing ISO 9000 standard
•    Document and documentation control procedures

INSTRUCTOR :  Mokhammad Hadi Cahyono, ST.

1. Rp. 4.500.000/person (full fare) or
2. Rp. 4.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
3. Rp. 3.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)y)

1.    Training Module
2.    Flashdisk contain training material
3.    Certificate
4.    NoteBook and Ballpoint
5.    T-Shirt
6.    Backpack
7.    Training Foto
8.    Training room with full ac facilities and multimedia
9.    Lunch and twice coffee break everyday of training
10.    Qualified Instructor
11.    Transportation from hotel of participants to hotel of training VV (if minimal participants from the same company is 4 )

Mokhammad Hadi Cahyono, ST. lulusan dari Teknik Industri, Universitas Indonesia, UI. Di samping pendidikan formal, untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya Beliau juga mengikuti pendidikan nonformal diantaranya ISO 14001, 18001 Awareness Training, Information Security Management system (ISMS) Training, Demystifying ISO 27001:2005 Training, Quality Management system ISO 9000 comprehensive Training, Training for Powersim (Dynamic Simulation Software), Participant in Standardizations Seminar in order to Get Quality Improvement and Customer Satisfaction, Participant in Industrial Knowledge development Seminar, Participant in Introduction ISO 9000 and Documentation System Seminar, dll. Pak M. Hadi Cahyono sudah sering menjadi instruktur untuk kelas training industry di Indonesia serta menjadi pembicara pada seminar-seminar. Pengalaman kerja riil di lapangan Pak M. Hadi Cahyono banyak di seputar bidang ISO, seperti di antaranya Assessment kesiapan implementasi dan sertifikasi ISO 20000:2005,  Penyusun prosedur keamanan informasi dalam rangka implementasi dan sertifikasi ISO 20000:2005,  Pendampingan Sertifikasi ISO 27001:2005,  Pembuatan Gap Analysis berbasis ISO 27001, Konsultansi Pendampingan Implementasi Dokumen/Kebijakan ISMS terkait Pemeliharaan Sertifikasi ISO 27001:2005,  Pembuatan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi berbasis ISO27001 PPE,  Preparation of ISO 27001:2005 certification dan masih banyak lainnya. Pengalaman riil lapangan ini akan menjadi kekayaan materi buat Beliau dalam menjadi instruktur di kelas-kelas training.