Coal Fired Power Plant : Combustion Operation & Maintenance (BANDUNG)


  1. Understanding of Coal Fired Power Plant : components , functions and principles
  2. Understanding of Coal Fired Power Plant Cycle
  3. Familiar with steam turbine performance such as: efficiency, heat rate, power andmore
  4. Significantly improve your understanding of steam turbine, boiler, feed water and treatment system
  5. Understanding of fuel and combustion system of Coal Fired Power Plant
  6. Develop troubleshooting skills, repairs and maintenance know-how
  7. Understanding of instrumentation and control in Coal Fired Power Plant specially in combustion system


  1. Coal power plant
  2. Coal power plant Auxiliaries
  3. Fuel System
    1. Introduction of fuel
    2. Type of fuel
    3. Properties of fuel
    4. Storage and handling
  4. Combustion System
    1. Principle of combustion
    2. T-s of combustion
    3. Combustion of oil

Stochiometric combustion

Calculation of theoretical CO2 in flue gases

Optimizing excess air and combustion

Control of air and analysis of flue gas

    1. Combustion of coal
    2. Combustion of gas
  1. Air System Function (FD fan, ID fan, and PA Fan
  2. Burner
  3. Draft system, Ash Handling (Precipitator) and Exhaust Gas to Chimney
  4. Combustion control
  5. Condenser
  6. Boiler
  7. Water Treatment Plant
  8. Turbine Generator
  9. Safety and Basic Maintenance System
    1. Basic maintenance
    2. Preventive maintenance
    3. Predictive maintenance
    4. Root cause analysis
    5. And safety
  10. Performance


  • Mechanical, Rotating, Construction
  • Operators, Technicians, Maintenance Personnel who involved in installation, testing, operation and maintenance of coal fire powerplant combustion
  • Experienced professionals who want to refresh or broaden their knowledge of coal fire power plant combustion

INSTRUCTOR :Ir. Maridjo, MT and Team.

VENUE :Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Amaroossa, Serela, Gino Feruci), Grand Setiabudi, De Java



  • 06 Apr 2020-09 Apr 2020
  • 04 Mei 2020-07 Mei 2020
  • 23 Jun 2020-26 Jun 2020
  • 06 Jul 2020-09 Jul 2020
  • 25 Agust 2020-28 Agust 2020
  • 07 Sep 2020-10 Sep 2020
  • 27 Okt 2020-30 Okt 2020
  • 24 Nop 2020-27 Nop 2020
  • 07 Des 2020-10 Des 2020


  1. Rp. 8.500.000/person (full fare) or
  2. Rp. 8.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  3. Rp. 7.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flashdisk contain training material
  3. Certificate
  4. NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Foto
  8. Training room with full ac facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffee break everyday of training
  10. Qualified Instructor
  11. Transportation from hotel of participants to hotel of training VV (if minimal participants from the same company is 4 )

Ir. Maridjo, alumnus from Mechanical Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He has been lecturer at PEDC and now as lecturer at mechanical engineering Polytechnique ITB (POLBAN). Ir. Maridjo has taught many topics related to his expertise to many companies in Indonesia, such as predictive and preventive maintenance, lubrication system, diesel machine, pump, gas turbine, piping and pipeline, compressor, boiler, conveyor system and many others. Many participants from companies have been trained and collaborated with him such as Chevron, Semen Gresik, semen Baturaja, Pertamina, Pusri, GGPC, employee of Qatar and lybia oil and gas company, UP IV Balonganpertamina, PT. Indocement, some PLTA, some hotels, PT.PupukKujang, PT.BioFarma, BPPT, PT. BintangAgung, some other oil and gas companies in Indonesia and etc. Ir.Maridjo has been researching and publishing the results on his core competencies on academics standing.