Selection And Recruitment System

Schedule 2020

  • 30-31 January 2020
  • 24-25 February 2020
  • 23-24 March 2020
  • 23-24 April 2020
  • 18-19 May 2020
  • 22-23 June 2020
  • 20-21 July 2020
  • 27-28 August 2020
  • 21-22 September 2020
  • 19-20 October 2020
  • 23-24 November 2020
  • 21-22 December 2020

To meet the manpower needs of the organization or company can performed through the recruitment system. But the selection and recruitment process is carried out sometimes does not match and what actually company needs. The urgent need for labor to make the selection and recruitment system is running without a planned process. Selection and recruitment process is planned will bring a positive impact on the recruitment and selection process that will provide the effectiveness in terms of time, labor effectiveness and the results obtained as well as cost efficiency. With the planning process of selection and recruitment of mature will give results according to the criteria of recruitment and workforce needs. This training will provide the planning system selection and recruitment in an organization or company.

After completing this training, participants are expected to:

  • Understanding technique of effective recruitment and selection;
  • Able to identify the sources which can provide candidates who qualified candidates;
  • Understanding the selection and recruitment techniques are effective to get the potential candidates as required by organizations;
  • Planning process of selection and recruitment;
  • Selection and recruitment process with effective methods and manage it professionally.


  • Understanding the needs of the organization through a manpower plan available;
  • Do the selection job application letter and cross-checking references;
  • Selection effective technique in the process;
  • Analyzing the results of the selection process;
  • Making admissions decisions are objective;
  • Case study and discussion

Presentation, discussion,

Investment Fee
IDR 4,500,000
Including: Training Material, USB, Certificate, Lunch & Coffee Break, Souvenir

– Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta Selatan
– Swiss-Belinn Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
– Swiss-Belhotel Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
– Yello Hotel Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan

2 days

Workshop Leader
Hendy Rustam, CIRP.
Sarjana Hukum Bisnis Universitas Borobudur, Magister Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Universitas Borobudur. Memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 16 tahun dalam bidang SDM, Operasional dan Business Strategic dengan berbagai latar belakang industri (Fashion, Ritel, Manajemen Mutu, EPC dan Oil & Gas, FMCG, Pertambangan, Media).Trainer berbagai perusahaan baik pemerintahan, swasta dan PMA. Memiliki sertifikasi Certified Industrial Relations Professional – bidang Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Selain itu dosen di beberapa perguruan tinggi.
Metode yang dipakai adalah Work Load Analysis (Analisa Beban Kerja) yaitu gambaran deskriptif dari beban kerja yang dibutuhkan dalam satu unit organisai. Metode ini memberikan informasi tentang alokasi sumber daya karyawan untuk menyelesaikan beban kerja.

Pelatihan ini menjamin anda dapat memahami secara praktis, sehingga dapat digunakan dalam pekerjaan di perusahaan. Pelatihan ini juga dilakukan secara gamblang sehingga mudah dimengerti karena dikembangkan berdasarkan pengalaman praktis di perusahaan. Model pembelajaran yang berhasil akan menjadi pola dalam pelatihan ini