Welding Supervisor

The training course will cover every aspect of welding technology, process and welding supervision, related with welding metallurgy and material selection. Once the proper groundwork has been laid, everything will be pulled together with suggestion on how to get the most out of advanced welding supervision , process and welding inspection with examples and guidelines  for using the program to achieve optimum, least cost welding procedure specification related with fabrication process.

This course will provide improve knowledge and practical technology training for guide line  process, welding parameter set-up, related with properties of material, before, during and after welding process. The course will be comprehensively discusses and guide  the calculation and analysis need in kind of welding process, material selection, code standards, and operating maintaining special material with least weld ability , and bring the participant  to be familiar with any kind of welding process and give how to identify welding imperfection and test.


  1. Welding Supervision and Process

The module will provide participants with the welding supervision parameter and process, advantage and disadvantage welding process related with base materials, and  welding technique, welding position, type of joint, set-up welding parameters. This module also discuss the practical exercise, technique and kind of test after welding related code standards.

  1. Welding Metallurgy

Through this module, participant will learn the materials commonly used with any kind of applications welding process, effect of alloying elements, weld ability of various material ( carbon steel, stainless steel , aluminum, nickel alloys, cobalt alloys, magnesium and casting ). Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ ), thermal cycle  and heat input effect in the weld zone.

  1. Welding Maintenance Repair

Through this module, participant  will learn :

  • Welding Procedure Specifications for casting materials
  • Post Weld Heat Treatment
  • Weld ability of casting ( refurbish, hard facing, over layer )
  • Quality Control during welding and after welding process.
  • AWS Classifications ( Consumable , test and code )
  • Weld Joint Efficiency, defect ( imperfections ) and repairs methods.
  1. Inspection, repair and maintenance

Through this module, participants will be guided to discuss the inspection methods, preparation procedure, and safety in performing internal inspection. Welding repair technique related with kind of materials, and also depending with welding parameter at, during process. This module also includes the NDT  test, after welding.


Day 1:

  1. Introduction to welding Technology
  2. Classification of welding process
  3. Welding parameter and Basic welding Technology
  4. Type of weld joint ( Fillet and Groove Weld )
  5. Welding design and Welding Position
  6. Welding Code related with standard

Day 2:

  1. Welding Supervison
  2. Qualification Welding Personnel
  3. Quality Control in apllied welding process
  4. Weld ability kind of materials
  5. Post weld Heat Treatment
  6. Welding Distortion

Day 3:

  1. Materials selection for welding
  2. Identify Heat Affected Zone area ( HAZ )
  3. Welding Metallurgy
  4. Destructive test ( DT ) for the weld test
  5. Non Destructive Test ( NDT ) for the weld test
  6. Case study and discuss

Day 4:

  1. Basic knowledge for welding Maintenance  Repair
  2. WPS and Procedure Qualification Record
  3. Inspection, Repair and Maintenance
  4. Welding Technique and Procesess
  5. Welding technique and code welding casting materials
  6. Filler Metal Selections


  • Have an updated perspective of welding technology, process and welding maintenance repair, related with many kind of materials, before and during welding process.
  • Have a working knowledge of codes and standards to work with any kind of welding process.
  • Have a skill and knowledge to design, operate, maintain, and repair during welding.
  • Familiar with any kind of materials and control welding parameter during welding process and after welding.


  • Supervisor, and operator wanting to optimize or innovate in welding technology, process and welding maintenance repair.
  • Technicians who needs additional skills, knowledge and perspective in welding technology, process and welding maintenance repair


All participants in either course will receive :

  • A copy of the text ASME Code Section IX, ISO 9606 for welding, API 1104
  • Copies of the lecturer notes and exercises.

INSTRUKTUR :   Ir. Harlian Kadir,MT.  and Team


TEMPAT PELATIHAN:   Kagum Group Hotel Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Serela, Gino Feruci), Amaroossa Hotel, Noor Hotel, Grand Setiabudi Hotel, dll


  • 06 Jan 2020-09 Jan 2020
  • 03 Feb 2020-06 Feb 2020
  • 02 Mar 2020-05 Mar 2020
  • 27 Apr 2020-30 Apr 2020
  • 05 Mei 2020-08 Mei 2020
  • 02 Jun 2020-05 Jun 2020
  • 27 Jul 2020-30 Jul 2020
  • 03 Agust 2020-06 Agust 2020
  • 28 Sep 2020-01 Okt 2020
  • 05 Okt 2020-08 Okt 2020
  • 02 Nop 2020-05 Nop 2020
  • 28 Des 2020-31 Des 2020


  • Rp  8.950.000(bayar penuh) atau
  • Rp  8.750.000, early bird,yang membayar 2 minggu sebelum training, atau
  • Rp  8.500.000, harga group,jika ada 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama


  1. Modul Training
  2. Flash Disk berisi materi training
  3. ATK: Blocknote dan Ballpoint
  4. T-Shirt
  5. Ransel
  6. Foto Training
  7. Ruangan Training fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
  8. Lunch dan dua kali coffeebreak
  9. Instruktur yang qualified dari praktisi serta akademisi
  10. Transportasi untuk peserta dari penginapan peserta ke hotel tempat training PP (jika minimal ada 4 peserta dari satu perusahaan yang sama dan menginap ditempat yang sama)